Increasingly, we are gaining awareness that our mind is capable of much more than we have been led to believe – or is even commonly believed.  At the junction of science and spirituality we now have world leaders like Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Dawson Church, Lynn McTaggart, and a many others testing, experimenting, and working with world renown scientist that have proved as much.

These experts have proved our genetics don’t pre-ordain us to disease or disorder like helpless victims.  The triggering event is the environment we give it such as our diet, the things we expose ourselves to, and the emotions we expend.

We have it within ourselves to reverse diseases and disorders.

We are energy and our energy is shared or emitted constantly and is part of how we communicate with others, animals, and the environment.  We can channel this energy or focus it if we choose into a heartfelt intention for positive life purposes.

Lynn McTaggart has spent years conducting intention experiments both large and small scale with goals such as healing cancer, sprouting seeds, and reducing neighborhood violence.  All experiments have conclusively proved the power of intention under scientific standards.

Which brings us to Sound Therapy or Sound Healing.  Each time you enter the space of an Aurras therapeutic event, there is a specific intention and frequency.  This intention begins at the creation stage for the event, it is reinforced through written and spoken word. Then given more focused energy through the power discharged when each bowl and its specific, targeted frequency is struck and the spoken, guided meditation is said guiding you into the unified field where all things are possible.

You don’t “just” attend a sound healing event to feel good.  Your life is changed in some way through the power of the intention that is energetically endowed in the sound healing event.  And that my friend, is why you’re here.

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Categories: Sound Healing