I don’t know about you, but I’m not fond of articles that make you read 1000 words to find the answer to the lead question so I’m going to answer this upfront and then explain.

No, it won’t make you a genius even momentarily.

Let me give you some background context.

If consume meditation music or sound, especially on YouTube, you have probably seen all kinds of titles to attract your attention and get you to listen.  Imagine seeing a title claiming to make you a genius simply by listening.  That might be enough to get you to listen.  But the sure bet in this mix is most likely the fact that you will be listening to a “binaural beat” such as Theta.

If you’re not familiar with this term here’s a definition:

Binaural beats are an auditory illusion that occurs when two tones of a slightly different frequencies are played in each ear simultaneously. The brain perceives a third tone, called a binaural beat, at the frequency difference between the two tones. For example, if you listen to one tone at 300 hertz (Hz) and the other tone at 310 Hz, the binaural beat you hear is at 10 Hz.

Binaural beats are highly prized because they assist the listener in shifting brainwave states, thus shifting their state of consciousness while meditating.  Often, the specific binaural beat can dictate which brainwave state you will shift to such as the Theta brainwave range is 4-7hz.  A binaural beat can be created to be in that range and the brain “entrains” accordingly.

I should note that a binaural beat is usually hidden within a soundscape of some other music or sound bath.

So there the brain is.  In the Theta state.  What does that mean?   Are you now a genius?

Each brainwave state of being is characterized in different ways such as the way you are right now is an active state or fully conscious to read this.  You are most likely in Beta brainwave.

Theta brainwave is generally associated with relaxation and is usually the level you are in when in hypnosis, meaning you are suggestable or can easily learn and take in new information.  You can have spiritual experiences in this state which can lead to inspiration and intuition.  There isn’t any evidence that Theta or any of the other brainwave states or binaural beats induce greater intellectual capacity.

Meditation itself and meditation with binaural beats, over time, can change the brain structure itself.  People will find better cognitive abilities and the ability to focus improves which are great improvements to enjoy.  It’s a bit like taking the brain to the gym.

BUT…genius?  No.

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Categories: Sound Healing